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The Green Wiccan Book of Shadows | By Silja

The Green Wiccan Book of Shadows | By Silja

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The Green Wiccan Book of Shadows

By Silja


Priestess Silja covers the basic and intermediate levels of magic for solitary witches. She shares a wide-ranging array of spells that have been successful for her—not least how to attract more love, money and luck into your life. With an easy to difficult rating system, she makes it simple for anyone to learn basic spells and then progress. Silja shares meditations—from energy-raising exercises to vision quests and guided meditations you can do with friends—and shows you why rituals are not just for coven use. Discover how to practise rituals alone to honour the seasons, say thanks to the deities for a spell that worked or send healing energy to a friend in need. Finally, once you have absorbed Silja’s wisdom and knowledge, you can begin personalizing your magic and writing your own spells.

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